August 20, 2013

Art with matches

Art with matches

DIY Eco Bath Rug

DIY Eco Bath Rug

It is quite easy to do: simply cut the size you want your rug be and cut flaps into strips of the same size roughly. This is one of those arts that can be done even by your kids (when it comes to tying, not cutting!). Check out Michelle Kaufmann’s video – she explains and shows step-by-step the whole process, so you can understand every little thing. For bathroom rugs, try using fabrics which are very resistant to washing and which dry very quickly. Anyway, for bathroom or not, ALWAYS avoid fabrics that fray, because your house will be full of lint!

July 07, 2013

Jungle birds made from newspaper, bonsai wire and VTR adhesive

Jungle birds are shaped from newspaper and glued with VTR adhesive which children can also make.

1. Curl the newspaper together and shape the bird roughly, apply wire and tie it tightly aroung the bird whilst applying more paper. Shape and twist until you have a proper bird shape. Balance is important. Poke a hole with a pair of scissors for legs.

2. Now apply a layer of paper soaked with VTR adhesive over the bird’s body and build the bird up. Apply paper around the legs. Balance the bird and build large feet if necessary so that it balances.

3. When the bird is finished and thorougly dry, paint with acrilic paint.